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Latin Literature

By: Material type: TextTextLanguage: English Publication details: [New York], Charles Scribner's Sons, 1923 Description: 289 pSubject(s): DDC classification:
  • 870.9 M12L
Origins of Latin Literature: Early Epic & Tragedy Comedy: Plautus & Terence Early Prose: The 'Satura' or Mixed Mode Lyric Poetry: Catullus Prose of the Ciceronian Age: Caesar & Sallust The Augustan Age Propertius & the Elegists The Lessers Augustans The Rome of Nero, Seenca, Lucan, Petronius The Silver Age: Statius, the Elder Pliny, Martial, Quintilian Juvenal, The Younger Pliny, Suetonoius: Decay of Classical Latin Early Latin Christianity Minucius Felix, Tertullian, Lactantius The Fourth Century: Ausonius & Claudian The Beginnings of the Middle Ages.
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Origins of Latin Literature: Early Epic & Tragedy Comedy: Plautus & Terence Early Prose: The 'Satura' or Mixed Mode Lyric Poetry: Catullus Prose of the Ciceronian Age: Caesar & Sallust The Augustan Age Propertius & the Elegists The Lessers Augustans The Rome of Nero, Seenca, Lucan, Petronius The Silver Age: Statius, the Elder Pliny, Martial, Quintilian Juvenal, The Younger Pliny, Suetonoius: Decay of Classical Latin Early Latin Christianity Minucius Felix, Tertullian, Lactantius The Fourth Century: Ausonius & Claudian The Beginnings of the Middle Ages.

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